Social Protection Program

PUBLIC NOTICE: Rate change in the sale of the National Government’s Bank of FSM Shares

PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Notice of Rate change in the sale of the National Government’s Bank of FSM Shares The Secretary of Finance is announcing the price […]

Cash Transfer6 Million Dollars
4,500 Low income Households

Department of Finance & Administration
The cash transfer program to approximately 4,500 low-income households is intended to provide temporary cash relief for households outside of the formal labor sector, such as subsistence farmers and fishermen, and specifically such laborers who do not qualify for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program. Approximately six million dollars ($6,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose, and expected to provide a one-time assistance of $1,000 to each low-income household. Households are encouraged to use this assistance to enhance COVID-19 readiness by buying facemasks, sanitary needs, and other COVID-19 preventive items. The Government intends to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021. The public can send all inquiries to
Food Security2 Million Dolars
Community Groups & Low income
Department of Resource & DevelopmentThe food security program for community groups and low-income households is intended to provide subsistence livelihood training, and an equitable distribution of seeds, planting, and fishing materials, to vulnerable citizens at no cost. Approximately two million dollars ($2,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose, and it is the intention of the Government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021.
Financial Assistance to Vulnerable Groups1 Million DollarsDepartment of Health & Social AffairsThe financial assistance program to vulnerable groups such as the elderly, persons with disabilities, and survivors of gender-based violence is intended to provide temporary waivers of medical expenses not included under funding from the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, electricity subsidies to an estimated 2,000 low-income households with dependents who have disabilities, distribution of solar lamps to an estimated 5,000 households on remote outer islands, and clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence kits and consultation options for survivors of gender-based violence. Approximately one million dollars ($1,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose, and it is the intention of the Government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021.
Community Based COVID 192 Million Dollars
Education, Awareness 7 gender based violence

Department of Health & Social AffairsThe community-based COVID-19 awareness grant is intended to strengthen awareness of COVID-19, inclusive of education on handwashing and social distancing, distribution of soaps, masks, and informational materials, and piloting a gender-based violence hotline in Pohnpei State. Approximately two million dollars ($2,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose, and it is the intention of the Government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021.