The FSM considers that illegal tax evasion is a serious and global problem,and effective international measures to exchange information for tax purposes is necessary to prevent tax fraud, money laundering, and financing of terrorism. It is the policy of the Federated States of Micronesia to implement international standards for transparency and exchange of tax information.
The increasing mobility of income and assets creates a major challenge for tax administrations. Governments around the world have therefore joined their efforts to address this challenge and offer a global response to the issues of international tax evasion and avoidance based on closer cooperation and new more advanced technologies. Transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes are an integral part of this response.
The exchange of information on request (the EOIR Standard) is recognised as an international standard and its effective implementation has since been promoted and reviewed by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum).
The FSM introduced a new Public law in 2017, PL 19-143, thats purpose is to allow for the access and exchange of information Contact for EOIR Information:
Mr. Salvador Jacob,
Assistant Secretary Customs & Tax Administration
Phone: +691 320 2826