FSM Maritime Investment Project (FSMIP)

Project Objectives & Components

The proposed development objective of the project is to facilitate maritime access and safety in the FSM by improving marine infrastructure and assets, and strengthening institutional arrangements. Proposed components include Maritime Infrastructure primarily focusing on the ports; technical studies and master planning and project management. Given the current stage of project development, the development objective may change while discussions are ongoing.


Maritime Infrastructure 20,500,000.00
Maritime Safety and Security 7,550,000.00
Technical Assistance for Port Planning and Project Management 10,440,000.00
Contingent Emergency Response Component 0.00

Maritime Investment Project on World Bank Site


The purpose of this “Environmental and Social Management Framework” (ESMF) is to guide project implementing agencies (IAs) on the environmental and social screening and subsequent assessment of country-specific project activities during project preparation and implementation. This is to ensure that potential adverse environmental and social impacts that may be generated as a result of each project/phases are identified, and appropriate safeguard instruments are prepared to avoid, minimize, mitigate and, in such cases where there are residual impacts, offset adverse environmental and social impacts.  Click on the link to access this document: FSM Economic and Fiscal Update 2018


Maritime Investment Project on World Bank Site