Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
The objective of the project is to improve tax administration and the completeness, reliability and timeliness of financial reports of the National and
State Governments.
Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?
Strengthening the PFM Environment:(Cost $0.35 M)
Financial Management Information System:(Cost $5.14 M)
Revenue Management System (RMS):(Cost $1.95 M)
Change Management and Human Resource Development:(Cost $1.36 M)
Project Management:(Cost $2.20 M)
Strengthening Public Financial Management on World Bank Project Site
The World Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies are a cornerstone of its support to sustainable poverty reduction. The objective of these policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environment in the development process. These policies will be replaced during 2018 with the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The two sets of policies will operate in parallel for about seven years to govern projects approved before and after the date the ESF starts to be applied. To find out more on the World Bank safeguard policies click on the link below:
In preparation for the PAFiM project an ‘Environmental and Social Management Plan’ (ESMP) was completed for the FSM in accordance with World Bank safeguard policies. Click on the word link below for a copy of the ESMP:
Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP) 180324 Final ESMP